Whether you're exploring neurodivergence, self-diagnosed, professionally diagnosed, or a family member of a neurodivergent child seeking therapy services centered on supporting ADHDers and neurodivergent individuals, I extend a warm welcome.

You can feel safe to be your authentic self and delve into your unique well-being within a confidential, neurodiversity-affirming, adaptable, and non-judgmental therapeutic relationship.

Photo of Gillian Hestad, Counsellor and Consultant

Being neurodivergent in a world with neurotypical expectations can be so hard.

We frequently face stereotypes of laziness, unreliability, and inadequacy, and criticisms of being "too much."

These societal pressures often lead to internalized negativity, causing rejection sensitivity, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, avoidance, and perfectionism.

Our challenges manifest in struggles with household upkeep, job stability, friendships, relationships, and maintaining consistent routines.

We know we are incredibly intelligent yet are "never reaching our full potential". 

Image of young person feeling frustrated in front of computer.

If this sounds like you, or someone you love, therapy may support you in building a more fulfilling and thriving life.


Graphic of brain

My services include neurodiversity affirming, client centered, and sensory-informed counselling, therapeutic services, and advocacy to support ADHDers, other neurodivergent people, and their families to thrive.

ADHD Therapy Supports

ADHD and neurodivergence related supportive counselling for parents, youth, and adults.

Graphic of backpack

Education / Workplace Advocacy

Working together to cultivate and advocate for supportive environments at home, school, or in the workplace.

Image of person holding baby
Image of computer screen

Parenting & Behavioural Supports

ADHD and neurodivergence parent education and behavioural supports.

Online Courses

I’ve recently developed an online course called Tending to the *ADHD* Garden of Mind: Accessible Mindfulness Practices for Neurodivergent Brains. Learn more here.

I am deeply passionate about discussing mental health and providing support for neurodivergent individuals.

Consultation Services

Photo of Gillian Hestad in the forest.

I offer consultation to fellow health professionals, families, schools, daycares, and other community partners on request.

Consultation, education, and training services are offered in relation to a variety of topics and include:

  • Lunch-time chats 

  • Workshops

  • Clinical Consultation

Contact me to schedule a free 20 minute consultation and to discuss rates and scheduling.